Winter 2024 - Chansasa TEachings
April 2024 - Wakinyan Agli Event and Online Learning Guide
Wakinyan Agli (Welcoming the Thunders)
This ceremony usually happens around the spring equinox, which falls on March 21st this year. During this time, our thunder being relatives begin to come back and wake up life (i.e., plants, animals, people, etc.) all around us. Due to climate change ,owever, this is different for each community and each area of the country (and world). A long time ago, our relatives would travel together to the He Sapa (Black Hills) and have a large ceremony. There were communities and bands who did not travel to the Black Hills, yet they honored these thunder beings in their own way. We suggest you and your thiwahe (family) find ways that you can honor the thunder beings where you are, with these steps: 1. 1: Pahá wanží hánská čha é naínš ĥé naínš tuktétu wakĥán wanží nikhíyela yankín ínš hán čha iyéyin na máni ománi iyáya. Makĥóčheg hé léčhel é čha philákel kĥoyágnič'iyin kte. Finding a high hill/mountain or other sacred and significant landmark in your area and hike there. This creates a connection and appreciation for that land. 2: Wóunye émnayin ínš waúnyan. wóyute ínš čhanšáša ínš mní ínš wasná ínš tĥunkán ínš čhanlí wapĥáĥta ínš šiná wóunye. Tĥówáš wakánla ínš wóunspe yuhá wanží wókiyag iyáya. Gather or prepare an offering (i.e., food, chansasa, water, wasna, rocks, and some folks make prayer ties/flags? (consult a local Elder or local knowledge keeper). 3: Wačhékiya nážin na hehánl wóčhekiye olówan ahíyaya. Tóna ínža čhínpi kin hená ečhún-wičhakhiya. Sing a prayer song, offer a meaningful prayer, and make sure everyone present has an opportunity to do the same, if they wish. 4: Tókheškhe čhantéyus-ničhiyin kte kin gluónihan na tĥokátakiya wóunspe na wóčhekiye gluhá máni iyáya. Honor what awakens within you and walk with those teachings and prayers. Wopila Thanka to Denny Gayton for guiding our language expression. |